
“Eric was responsive, patient, and more than willing to write a letter of recommendation for my grad school apps, despite his own busy schedule. He also communicates honest, constructive advice which helped strengthen my applications overall” — Jade, undegraduate UC Davis c/o 2021 & recent graduate student acceptance at Pepperdine University c/o 2024

Getting tutored by Eric has been a very rewarding experience! I have definitely gained a deeper understanding of o-chem and his personalized teaching style has been very beneficial to not only my performance in the class, but to my confidence in o-chem as well! 

Rishika | Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior | Tutored UC Davis CHE 118ABC

I had a really hard time in class understanding concepts, even if it was simple. This made me super frustrated. However, each time after Eric tutored me, all the concepts became clear. His interactive teaching tremendously helped me in getting where I am today! Not only is Eric able to explain the concepts clearly and concisely, he also brings a positive energy to his teaching. Organic chemistry is difficult and leaves students hopeless. But, Eric makes difficult concepts fun and less stressful, making students want to learn more.

Alison | UCSF School of Pharmacy Class of 2024
Biopsychology major | Received an A+ in Organic Chemistry

After being tutored by Eric for two quarters, I can say that he is one of the best teachers I have ever had. He makes learning chemistry, a task I have struggled with in the past, much more understandable and enjoyable by always been extremely supportive and encouraging during our tutoring sessions. Each session he arrives with a clear set of learning goals for the material but is very flexible if you have questions from other material or want to go over different reactions and mechanisms. He is really great at explaining the content in ways that suit my learning style and has definitely built up my confidence in learning how to study organic chemistry. He is also very responsive to any questions I have via text outside of our scheduled sessions (especially before exams) and has been an excellent role model by offering career advice and encouraging me to follow through on my plans to go into the health field.

Maddie | Biopsychology | Tutored UC Davis CHE 118A, 118B, 118C

“Thanks for the review video! It’s really helpful and I like that I can pause and try it myself! It helped reaffirm what I already knew and help me feel more confident. Definitely very helpful!”

-Shayna, UC Davis, CHE 118B 2022

“The videos are one of the best resources that a student can use. Any time I don’t completely understand a topic or need some extra time to learn it, I can watch the videos as many times as I need. They also provide a broad range of examples with in-depth explanations so you’re never surprised on an exam or quiz, even if you didn’t see it in lecture.”
-Aalia, CHE 118B, UC Davis 2022

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